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 Safe Streets AZ

At SFE Streets AZ, our mission is deeply rooted in the commitment to forge safer, more resilient communities across Arizona by confronting the complex challenges of drugs, homelessness, hunger, and the absence of adequate peer support. Our approach is holistic and multifaceted, aimed at not just addressing these critical issues but also at nurturing an ecosystem of healing, empowerment, and enduring change for the individuals and families we serve.  We are dedicated to deploying sustainable, evidence-based strategies that effectively counteract drug abuse, provide comprehensive support to those facing homelessness, ensure access to nutritious food for those in need, and build a robust network of peer support that fosters personal development and communal solidarity. SFE Streets AZ is committed to principles of transparency, accountability, and unwavering excellence in all our endeavors. We believe in the power of collaboration and community in creating a safer, healthier, and more inclusive Arizona, where every individual is empowered to thrive and contribute positively to the fabric of our society

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Empowering Arizona, One Street At A Time

Our Mission 

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Help Us Heal Our Community

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459 N. Gilbert Rd., A-110
Gilbert, AZ 85234
24 hour Peer Support Hotline 602-695-8137

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©2024 by SFEStreetsAZ. 

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